Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Mélodies irlandaises et écossaises

Sophie Daneman (soprano),
Paul Agnew (ténor),
Peter Harvey (baryton),
Alessandro Moccia (violon),
Alix Verzier (violoncelle),
Jérôme Hantaï (pianoforte)

1 CD Astrée (Naïve) E8850

1. Womankindİİ
 2. The sweetest lad was Jamieİİ
 3. The kiss, dear maid, thy lip has leftİİ
 4. Come draw we round a cheerful ringİİ
 5. Come fill, fill, my good fellowİİ
 6. On the massacre of Glencoeİİ
 7. What shall I do to shew how much I love herİİ
 8. The farewell songİİ
 9. The lovely lass of Invernessİİ
10. Oh! Thou art the lad of my heart, Willyİİ
11. The dreamİİ
12. The pulse of an Irishmanİİ İİİİİ
13. The return to Ulsterİİ
14. Constancyİİ
15. To the Aeolian Harpİİ
16. Since Greybeards inform us that Youth will decayİİ
17. The Parting Kissİİ
18. Wife, Children and Friendsİİ
19. Again my Lyreİİ
20. God save the King !İİ
21. The Vale of Clwydİİ
22. The Monks of Bangor's marchİİ
23. Faithfu' Johnieİİ
24. The soldier's dreamİİ

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